Organized last October by the Parc de la Gorge de Coaticook and the Parc Découverte Nature, the «Mobilisation petits bedons» raised $1,666 distributed in the elementary schools of Coaticook. Impacted by this initiative, Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud increased the donation of $500. Thanks to this collaboration, $2,166 was awarded to provide food assistance to our children in Coaticook!

“At the front, we recognize the Executive Director of Parc de la gorge de Coaticook, Caroline Sage, the Director of Special Projects, Carolane Tremblay, and Diane Lapointe, of Promutuel Centre-Sud. Behind, the school principals who will receive the help of the “Mobilisation petits bedons”: André Lachapelle (Sacré-Cœur), Jean-Luc Rose (Gendreau), Simon Lebel (Saint-Luc de Barnston) and David Morin (Mgr Durand). (Photo Le Progrès de Coaticook – Vincent Cliche)

Photo: Vincent Cliche, Le Progrès de Coaticook
Article in French only complete here.